Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: США
Жанр: Soundtrack
Композитор: Ramin Djawadi
Продолжительность: 00:48:34
Лучшее в категории - Lossless / Саундтреки
OST - Побег из тюрьмы / Prison Break (2007)

Год выпуска: 2007
Страна: США
Жанр: Soundtrack
Композитор: Ramin Djawadi
Продолжительность: 01:03:47
Описание: В раздаче есть сканы диска
02 - Strings of Prisoners
03 - Inking the Plan
04 - Save the Brother's Life
05 - In the Yard
06 - T-Bag's Coming for Dinner
07 - Sucre's Dilemma
08 - Sarah & Michael
09 - Abruzzi is the Ticket
10 - In the Tunnels
11 - Unconditional
12 - Conspiracy
13 - Sarah
14 - C-Note
15 - An In-be-tweener
16 - Prison Break
17 - The Manhunt Begins
18 - Special Agent Mahone
19 - Veronica is Murdered
20 - Linc & LJ
21 - Stand-off
22 - Cat & Mouse
23 - (Classified)
24 - Remorse
25 - Origami
26 - Escape is just the Beginning
27 - Panama
28 - Maricruz
29 - Execution
30 - Trouble in Paradise
31 - Sona
XLD extraction logfile from 2012-03-29 16:53:53 -0700
Djawadi Ramin / Prison Break
Used drive : MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-868 (revision KB19)
Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 102
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended (except HTOA)
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 02:29:57 | 0 | 11231
2 | 02:29:57 | 01:27:63 | 11232 | 17819
3 | 03:57:45 | 02:37:61 | 17820 | 29655
4 | 06:35:31 | 01:52:06 | 29656 | 38061
5 | 08:27:37 | 01:45:54 | 38062 | 45990
6 | 10:13:16 | 01:43:56 | 45991 | 53771
7 | 11:56:72 | 02:26:13 | 53772 | 64734
8 | 14:23:10 | 01:43:52 | 64735 | 72511
9 | 16:06:62 | 01:57:28 | 72512 | 81314
10 | 18:04:15 | 02:56:45 | 81315 | 94559
11 | 21:00:60 | 02:19:44 | 94560 | 105028
12 | 23:20:29 | 02:41:16 | 105029 | 117119
13 | 26:01:45 | 02:44:32 | 117120 | 129451
14 | 28:46:02 | 02:07:46 | 129452 | 139022
15 | 30:53:48 | 03:12:48 | 139023 | 153470
16 | 34:06:21 | 03:33:25 | 153471 | 169470
17 | 37:39:46 | 02:15:21 | 169471 | 179616
18 | 39:54:67 | 01:23:49 | 179617 | 185890
19 | 41:18:41 | 01:49:07 | 185891 | 194072
20 | 43:07:48 | 02:04:55 | 194073 | 203427
21 | 45:12:28 | 01:58:58 | 203428 | 212335
22 | 47:11:11 | 01:33:57 | 212336 | 219367
23 | 48:44:68 | 02:02:70 | 219368 | 228587
24 | 50:47:63 | 02:30:19 | 228588 | 239856
25 | 53:18:07 | 01:03:33 | 239857 | 244614
26 | 54:21:40 | 02:11:19 | 244615 | 254458
27 | 56:32:59 | 01:21:61 | 254459 | 260594
28 | 57:54:45 | 01:09:22 | 260595 | 265791
29 | 59:03:67 | 01:49:33 | 265792 | 273999
30 | 60:53:25 | 01:18:65 | 274000 | 279914
31 | 62:12:15 | 01:35:37 | 279915 | 287076
List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | -532 | -634 | 5
AccurateRip Summary
Track 01 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 16 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 17 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 18 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 19 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 20 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 21 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 22 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 23 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 24 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 25 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 26 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 27 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 28 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 29 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 30 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
Track 31 : OK (confidence 5, with different offset)
- All tracks accurately ripped.
All Tracks
Album gain : -0.63 dB
Peak : 0.983795
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 01
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/01 Main titles.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00
Track gain : -1.07 dB
Peak : 0.980133
CRC32 hash (test run) : C08D0358
CRC32 hash : C08D0358
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D833318F
AccurateRip signature : 511B9E0C
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 536F7DA8)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 02
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/02 Strings of prisoners.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:33
Track gain : -0.82 dB
Peak : 0.979187
CRC32 hash (test run) : 43F8C807
CRC32 hash : 43F8C807
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 5AE76D2A
AccurateRip signature : 4938DFF0
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: D2B0F055)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 03
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/03 Inking the plan.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:39
Track gain : 1.12 dB
Peak : 0.867615
CRC32 hash (test run) : 4244E8B8
CRC32 hash : 4244E8B8
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D9EF3F00
AccurateRip signature : 237D4122
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 44BE5A69)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 04
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/04 Save the brother's life.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:01
Track gain : -3.40 dB
Peak : 0.935181
CRC32 hash (test run) : 0AA51392
CRC32 hash : 0AA51392
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 5F52C8CA
AccurateRip signature : 4E4FF726
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 50199097)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 05
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/05 In the yard.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:02
Track gain : 0.66 dB
Peak : 0.950989
CRC32 hash (test run) : 0F747801
CRC32 hash : 0F747801
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2A3668A5
AccurateRip signature : A5105E38
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 5FDF3818)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 06
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/06 T-Bag's coming for dinner.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:47
Track gain : 1.82 dB
Peak : 0.601624
CRC32 hash (test run) : B1DA67C3
CRC32 hash : B1DA67C3
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E2BB4EBB
AccurateRip signature : 63D9AFC6
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 9B83B57A)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 07
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/07 Sucre's dilemma.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:00:69
Track gain : 2.96 dB
Peak : 0.770752
CRC32 hash (test run) : 639B14A5
CRC32 hash : 639B14A5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : BE8A79B0
AccurateRip signature : 2D28E20A
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 3B06CE09)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 08
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/08 Sarah & Michael.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:00:71
Track gain : 5.65 dB
Peak : 0.839569
CRC32 hash (test run) : C1A5CB80
CRC32 hash : C1A5CB80
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D247A18E
AccurateRip signature : BBE50472
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: DB934806)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 09
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/09 Abruzzi is the ticket.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:23
Track gain : 8.29 dB
Peak : 0.721863
CRC32 hash (test run) : 72952827
CRC32 hash : 72952827
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 5E3DB7BF
AccurateRip signature : AC1B8E08
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 4C89320D)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 10
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/10 In the tunnels.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:72
Track gain : 0.19 dB
Peak : 0.877014
CRC32 hash (test run) : DBFDFFA9
CRC32 hash : DBFDFFA9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2684916D
AccurateRip signature : 95A0AFB7
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 5C7C8034)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 11
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/11 Unconditional.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:64
Track gain : 7.40 dB
Peak : 0.361572
CRC32 hash (test run) : 2660812C
CRC32 hash : 2660812C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CB16D45B
AccurateRip signature : 84B3564E
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 4F33B639)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 12
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/12 Conspiracy.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:54
Track gain : 5.90 dB
Peak : 0.848083
CRC32 hash (test run) : D64067B0
CRC32 hash : D64067B0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 92705965
AccurateRip signature : EF72B8D7
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: AE145C25)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 13
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/13 Sarah.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:04
Track gain : 5.05 dB
Peak : 0.787872
CRC32 hash (test run) : D8CFE5E5
CRC32 hash : D8CFE5E5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3ECF6B0C
AccurateRip signature : 1C259EE5
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 11ABF9D2)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 14
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/14 C-Note.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:73
Track gain : 3.74 dB
Peak : 0.682281
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8FDCFC5D
CRC32 hash : 8FDCFC5D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1FFF92E6
AccurateRip signature : C0A7884E
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 2025A070)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 15
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/15 An In-be-tweener.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:73
Track gain : 4.94 dB
Peak : 0.714355
CRC32 hash (test run) : 9ACF6BA3
CRC32 hash : 9ACF6BA3
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 102665B6
AccurateRip signature : 2C8EFD00
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 9863CA95)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 16
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/16 Prison Break.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:00:66
Track gain : -2.68 dB
Peak : 0.981750
CRC32 hash (test run) : B375758D
CRC32 hash : B375758D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : BB845F66
AccurateRip signature : 8D878A70
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: FEC53F79)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 17
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/17 The manhunt begins.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:07
Track gain : -3.65 dB
Peak : 0.969238
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8A8AD008
CRC32 hash : 8A8AD008
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : FFB9F1D1
AccurateRip signature : 18C5C51F
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 6F7D519D)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 18
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/18 Special agent Mahone.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:69
Track gain : 0.94 dB
Peak : 0.859711
CRC32 hash (test run) : FACFA811
CRC32 hash : FACFA811
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8B1F59AA
AccurateRip signature : 56CE300B
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 0D4D2D17)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 19
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/19 Veronica is murdered.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:53
Track gain : 2.20 dB
Peak : 0.672424
CRC32 hash (test run) : FAF793CD
CRC32 hash : FAF793CD
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7EE1554E
AccurateRip signature : 5A31285C
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: BECCA6F7)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 20
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/20 Linc & LJ.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:74
Track gain : -0.52 dB
Peak : 0.964203
CRC32 hash (test run) : 3B0E8324
CRC32 hash : 3B0E8324
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 14057E28
AccurateRip signature : 9AF47309
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 2E8AC9E4)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 21
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/21 Stand-off.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:68
Track gain : -3.50 dB
Peak : 0.983795
CRC32 hash (test run) : 353886CB
CRC32 hash : 353886CB
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 77C9997E
AccurateRip signature : 92F3798A
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: DD49A3E2)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 22
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/22 Cat & mouse.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:71
Track gain : -2.32 dB
Peak : 0.930420
CRC32 hash (test run) : 62F8AA8E
CRC32 hash : 62F8AA8E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 705497F6
AccurateRip signature : 499DEC03
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: D1A86D9E)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 23
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/23 (Classified).flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:06
Track gain : 2.43 dB
Peak : 0.961426
CRC32 hash (test run) : 7749090D
CRC32 hash : 7749090D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1B8DFCAF
AccurateRip signature : A491D70D
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: E9CCF88D)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 24
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/24 Remorse.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:42
Track gain : 5.27 dB
Peak : 0.312408
CRC32 hash (test run) : D42365C9
CRC32 hash : D42365C9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E33121F3
AccurateRip signature : 1BF2DA1F
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: C2CA6AA0)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 25
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/25 Origami.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:65
Track gain : 1.89 dB
Peak : 0.830811
CRC32 hash (test run) : D4FC35B8
CRC32 hash : D4FC35B8
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8CA1CD10
AccurateRip signature : D6464878
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 51851635)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 26
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/26 Escape is just the beginning.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:63
Track gain : -3.22 dB
Peak : 0.973938
CRC32 hash (test run) : AE086A61
CRC32 hash : AE086A61
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E97E9025
AccurateRip signature : 1D3312F4
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: BE9F95EC)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 27
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/27 Panama.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:37
Track gain : 2.81 dB
Peak : 0.817444
CRC32 hash (test run) : BAC542FA
CRC32 hash : BAC542FA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A8DA1789
AccurateRip signature : D4F24EB7
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 2C924CD1)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 28
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/28 Maricruz.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:01:03
Track gain : 0.06 dB
Peak : 0.839355
CRC32 hash (test run) : 1B21095E
CRC32 hash : 1B21095E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C8FDEADA
AccurateRip signature : 3ECE673A
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 061A20CA)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 29
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/29 Execution.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:07
Track gain : 3.37 dB
Peak : 0.979706
CRC32 hash (test run) : CD64CE08
CRC32 hash : CD64CE08
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8DAAE786
AccurateRip signature : CCA50B10
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 4A0ACB0D)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 30
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/30 Trouble in paradise.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:00:26
Track gain : -0.20 dB
Peak : 0.860657
CRC32 hash (test run) : 569C095F
CRC32 hash : 569C095F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 0E650D4E
AccurateRip signature : E9042B9B
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 059A6848)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
Track 31
Filename : /Users/DianaBurnell/Desktop/XLD Outputs/Djawadi Ramin - 2007 - Prison Break [FLAC]/31 Sona.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:00:63
Track gain : 2.11 dB
Peak : 0.821106
CRC32 hash (test run) : 829B495D
CRC32 hash : 829B495D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 20C4F450
AccurateRip signature : 649DC06F
- Accurately ripped! (confidence 5)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -634;
the signature after correction is: 66AD634E)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0
No errors occurred
End of status report
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.6.0 RC1 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: 31 Sona.flac
Size: 6190260 Hash: CA7F1FCE0E3D30948A5FBAC0B71C60F3 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 54%
Signature: 413A54D9F4B127E085D57D3D851926C0051415A6
FILE: 30 Trouble in paradise.flac
Size: 6359242 Hash: 402B3B6AC37DE9EAB5F38A83D61002AE Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 87FCD262EAC2089C9C6EE1D08015BCBF06A1F759
FILE: 29 Execution.flac
Size: 7504442 Hash: 7D83DCD264E7D5079526F891A7BE5552 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FA38FEAF1B56FEC6B9AC36E92C3C8B71C63B0BD8
FILE: 28 Maricruz.flac
Size: 5728498 Hash: 7FBC42ADE7A3E2237C4B499DF5E93B18 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FFB3FB1F4F59C94C540E1184905B8C2EFF2AAA2F
FILE: 27 Panama.flac
Size: 7574534 Hash: AE43CBC97B5F04AB2B307B16C19949AD Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C387B8BA43E6B1391FAC86883EE26BC4759683B0
FILE: 26 Escape is just the beginning.flac
Size: 13631535 Hash: FCC26D1ACC85FD48CAD97D5661235690 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 654402BCB6B417CDEC35559060DC090F8BD03C49
FILE: 25 Origami.flac
Size: 5043185 Hash: 8F3471CF3E1201E8B06E5A5D15DCB6ED Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: E1E2FBBF33D58AAACB259CB5254F0CE6A5FC01AC
FILE: 24 Remorse.flac
Size: 10241323 Hash: F19244C8455D67CA2D4904CBBF863FEC Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 6E0631D7E88CDE05DD57ABEBCCF3618CB63B48D8
FILE: 23 (Classified).flac
Size: 7821346 Hash: 928EEABCA3A161EC4957037CFFFE0C23 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5376BEFE1B987BDA098E228615AE27F137F028C4
FILE: 22 Cat & mouse.flac
Size: 8174035 Hash: F2E2BE9B063CF55D0B53CBEAC1B22894 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 8D0ADF08747DF8C4BF94917D3CB2D8CFD939C787
FILE: 21 Stand-off.flac
Size: 12399938 Hash: 243E2F0B92D92DA69AB0E2186A77DD35 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FB5222539BCC8A50D3112A61BF53EA31D8476F9E
FILE: 20 Linc & LJ.flac
Size: 9258129 Hash: BBEB739EC96ABB1927821347AC8EE862 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 9A5A212CD477112951FDEB3179428C3C8EB167AB
FILE: 19 Veronica is murdered.flac
Size: 8581452 Hash: 68C43751DFB089CC13C4B66EF351AB89 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C73AFF1D105B646630752939A7966FEC53398F00
FILE: 18 Special agent Mahone.flac
Size: 7053025 Hash: FB3FF7BCF1984EEF0099385DAA2959A0 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 96BB8BCDE53A4B27AC87EA7557506209D492BF5C
FILE: 17 The manhunt begins.flac
Size: 12444700 Hash: 4EE3D81A9F21F44D8A79485B13F85F6F Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FFC4EB93292C29C04FAAC75B9F96ABFA68E4C3DE
FILE: 16 Prison Break.flac
Size: 21294646 Hash: FF034B0BBD5CFF8924B00055777F6F56 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 9FD6CE8F33473159A5247DE18EDC77B9C0584854
FILE: 15 An In-be-tweener.flac
Size: 13093741 Hash: 41A7F26F3ECC9307A7F2E62311266936 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5B37C86F3EBA24B393361F8BC66554C99B71CBD7
FILE: 14 C-Note.flac
Size: 9129126 Hash: F743574B955EDC837D9B22B03D1C47BC Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5F1E67AE3CF41175704D114464A9151F1F5F46CB
FILE: 13 Sarah.flac
Size: 10041351 Hash: 611F98280FE0DF84A201378DB1540679 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
FILE: 12 Conspiracy.flac
Size: 9016853 Hash: AC81EDEDF3803F35F70FC71A700868BE Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 84C311150B2AF2220ECD51B2D21605718B68EF91
FILE: 11 Unconditional.flac
Size: 9535344 Hash: 7D4E58270BD2F5419540248D7705F0BE Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: B732E4621EFD6340A6AE7CF1CD2DE616A6F19D21
FILE: 10 In the tunnels.flac
Size: 16004590 Hash: 319F5B62F70BDD2A2AADD4D130572B76 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: D96C4DE0144BD28837C174D5D0F9277BA8BE3806
FILE: 09 Abruzzi is the ticket.flac
Size: 7755240 Hash: AC7DD0F21FA888F95F170ACE0B259458 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 41D1A5511B70CD3FCF27218CC14516A3382FEA8B
FILE: 08 Sarah & Michael.flac
Size: 6739893 Hash: B8A0566B962CE712F903B36CF25042CF Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 2A259F6D54B9383CDF2F411229B2BC61DA119CD0
FILE: 07 Sucre's dilemma.flac
Size: 9831483 Hash: 49B155F553F1C3F0AE5D3558108B9C9A Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FC2ABED0FEA949350893BD20858D1FF78258E164
FILE: 06 T-Bag's coming for dinner.flac
Size: 7157368 Hash: 44F7D237F726707719CF4CDC65EBD6B7 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 72F4759D60A970E19B06A72AA7202C13FD518025
FILE: 05 In the yard.flac
Size: 8484696 Hash: ABF14C2B340F980ADC49849F93695ABF Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1E42B3B261699F62982512E0CA6371352BB9FFF3
FILE: 04 Save the brother's life.flac
Size: 8395998 Hash: 62E7C84EAFAAEB60DA81AB032754BB0C Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1F10D1A93659A66F5C634AEBCD9DDD67283BFAFC
FILE: 03 Inking the plan.flac
Size: 12871293 Hash: CE8310454C1C88949E1ADC58C9A583CD Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: DA6518429D22EE8D1E3331609FD9E9E542F34E8F
FILE: 02 Strings of prisoners.flac
Size: 6681170 Hash: 81A63E7B50546A1D91956DA43C9EEB0E Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 9AB4CBF03B27341B3BE6F03BD8CC2959A4765011
FILE: 01 Main titles.flac
Size: 11931892 Hash: D565A12A29ED06D4BDDFB08B0E03835E Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 562C3B1822A2FBB96462F1541D580648A5AC5722
OST - Ramin Djawadi - Prison Break: Seasons 3 4 / Побег из тюрьмы: Сезоны 3 4 (2009)

OST Полицейский из Беверли Хиллс / Beverly Hills Cop (1985)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 1985
Страна: USA
Жанр: RnB, Swing, Soundtrack, Soft Rock, Synth-pop
Продолжительность: 00:39:11
Лучшие песни из кинофильмов (2003)

Лучшие песни из кинофильмов
Формат: APE, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2003-2004
Страна: Россия
Жанр: Музыка к фильмам
Продолжительность: 03.41.09
Андрей Петров - Музыка из кинофильма Жестокий романс (2001)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2001
Страна: Россия
Жанр: Саундтрек
Продолжительность: 00:35:49
Альфред Шнитке - Сказка странствий. Музыка из кинофильмов (2004)

Формат: FLAC, (trасks + .сuе), lоsslеss
Год выпуска: 2004
Страна: Россия
Жанр: Саундтрек
Продолжительность: 00:56:21
Елена Камбурова - Песни из кинофильмов. Часть 1-я (2001)

Формат: WAVPack, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2001
Страна: Россия
Жанр: Саундтрек
Продолжительность: 01:08:30
VA - А.Рыбников - Песни для детей из кинофильмов (2CD) (2003)

Формат: APE, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2003
Страна: Россия
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:33:53
OST - Inception / Начало (2010)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2010
Страна: США
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:51:30
OST - Левша / Southpaw (2015)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2015
Страна: США
Жанр: Score, Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:52:11
OST Skulls Of The Shogun (2013)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2013
Страна: Япония
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 00:32:19
OST - VA - Mass Effect (2007)

Формат: FLAC, (trасks + .сuе), lоsslеss
Год выпуска: 2007
Страна: All Wоrld
Жанр: Sоundtrасk
Продолжительность: 01:15:42
OST Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2012
Страна: США
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 01:08:05
OST - Olivier Deriviere - Remember Me (2013)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2013
Страна: All Worlds
Жанр: Score, Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:49:35
OST - Mikko Tarmia - Soma (2015)

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 2015
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:45:15
OST - Neil Davidge - Halo 4 (2012)

Формат: FLAC, (trасks + .сuе), lоsslеss
Год выпуска: 2012
Страна: All Wоrld
Жанр: Sоundtrасk
Продолжительность: 02:26:13