Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 1970-1976
Страна: UK
Жанр: Hard Rock
Продолжительность: 07:27:04
Лучшее в категории - Lossless / Разное
Supermax - The Box 10cd (2009)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: Austria
Жанр: Pop
Продолжительность: 09:45:24
01. Don't Stop The Music [03:48]
02. Lovemachine [07:40]
03. It Ain't Easy [04:20]
04. Electricity [03:52]
05. Fly With Me [03:48]
06. Bodyheat [08:01]
07. Never Gonna Give [06:00]
08. Kick The Nation [06:57]
09. Gotta Be Funky [06:07]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 14 03 Supermax / Rhythm Of Soul 1 Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 3 48.46 | 0 | 17145 2 | 3 48.46 | 7 40.62 | 17146 | 51707 3 | 11 29.33 | 4 20.25 | 51708 | 71232 4 | 15 49.58 | 3 52.17 | 71233 | 88649 5 | 19 42.00 | 3 48.28 | 88650 | 105777 6 | 23 30.28 | 8 01.32 | 105778 | 141884 7 | 31 31.60 | 6 00.66 | 141885 | 168950 8 | 37 32.51 | 6 57.34 | 168951 | 200259 9 | 44 30.10 | 6 07.16 | 200260 | 227800 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Rhythm Of Soul 1Supermax - Rhythm Of Soul 1.wav Peak level 98.8 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC 89B7F284 Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Don't Stop The Funk [04:19]
03. Cuckoo Nation [05:00]
04. Final Song [04:07]
05. We've Got The Rhythm [04:42]
06. Just A Little Bit More [04:42]
07. I Want You [04:33]
08. Take Me Higher [03:47]
09. Alassio [04:47]
10. Mr.B Feat. Brad Howell [05:14]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 14 27 Supermax / Rhythm Of Soul 2 Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 6 16.11 | 0 | 28210 2 | 6 16.11 | 4 19.01 | 28211 | 47636 3 | 10 35.12 | 5 00.64 | 47637 | 70200 4 | 15 36.01 | 4 07.24 | 70201 | 88749 5 | 19 43.25 | 4 42.20 | 88750 | 109919 6 | 24 25.45 | 4 42.10 | 109920 | 131079 7 | 29 07.55 | 4 33.69 | 131080 | 151623 8 | 33 41.49 | 3 47.69 | 151624 | 168717 9 | 37 29.43 | 4 47.53 | 168718 | 190295 10 | 42 17.21 | 5 14.63 | 190296 | 213908 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Rhythm Of Soul 2Supermax - Rhythm Of Soul 2.wav Peak level 98.7 % Range quality 99.9 % Copy CRC 975198FA Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Don't Let Me Down [05:53]
03. Warriors [04:25]
04. Reggaesizer [05:06]
05. So I [04:17]
06. Dreadlock Generation [04:57]
07. Dig This ***** [04:40]
08. Shine On Me [03:52]
09. Smoke Is Up [03:23]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 14 37 Supermax / Reggasize It 1 Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 4 02.34 | 0 | 18183 2 | 4 02.34 | 5 53.17 | 18184 | 44675 3 | 9 55.51 | 4 25.56 | 44676 | 64606 4 | 14 21.32 | 5 06.06 | 64607 | 87562 5 | 19 27.38 | 4 17.11 | 87563 | 106848 6 | 23 44.49 | 4 57.22 | 106849 | 129145 7 | 28 41.71 | 4 40.32 | 129146 | 150177 8 | 33 22.28 | 3 52.37 | 150178 | 167614 9 | 37 14.65 | 3 23.19 | 167615 | 182858 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Reggasize It 1Supermax - Reggasize It 1.wav Peak level 100.0 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC 8FC71C16 Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. U the One [04:00]
03. Good Times [04:44]
04. Heaven Of Music [04:43]
05. Dubbrass [04:56]
06. Reggae Fever [03:32]
07. Superdub [04:23]
08. Max 96 [06:15]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 14 55 Supermax / Reggaesize It 2 Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 4 05.06 | 0 | 18380 2 | 4 05.06 | 4 00.55 | 18381 | 36435 3 | 8 05.61 | 4 44.49 | 36436 | 57784 4 | 12 50.35 | 4 43.63 | 57785 | 79072 5 | 17 34.23 | 4 56.42 | 79073 | 101314 6 | 22 30.65 | 3 32.07 | 101315 | 117221 7 | 26 02.72 | 4 23.31 | 117222 | 136977 8 | 30 26.28 | 6 15.37 | 136978 | 165139 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Reggaesize It 2Supermax - Reggaesize It 2.wav Peak level 99.9 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC 99D2AC7E Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Vision [05:28]
03. World Of Today [04:22]
04. Save The World [04:02]
05. 20 Million Years Away [04:39]
06. Scream Of A Butterfly [04:40]
07. Immigrations [05:55]
08. People From The Other Side [03:50]
09. We Are The People [04:39]
10. Hara Hara [05:54]
11. World Of Today 2001 [03:44]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 15 19 Supermax / Save The World Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 5 45.13 | 0 | 25887 2 | 5 45.13 | 5 28.11 | 25888 | 50498 3 | 11 13.24 | 4 22.44 | 50499 | 70192 4 | 15 35.68 | 4 02.63 | 70193 | 88405 5 | 19 38.56 | 4 39.38 | 88406 | 109368 6 | 24 18.19 | 4 40.56 | 109369 | 130424 7 | 28 59.00 | 5 55.50 | 130425 | 157099 8 | 34 54.50 | 3 50.72 | 157100 | 174421 9 | 38 45.47 | 4 39.51 | 174422 | 195397 10 | 43 25.23 | 5 54.17 | 195398 | 221964 11 | 49 19.40 | 3 44.47 | 221965 | 238811 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Save The WorldSupermax - Save The World.wav Peak level 100.0 % Range quality 99.9 % Copy CRC DEFC9ADE Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. African Blood [04:26]
03. Bango Bongo [06:26]
04. Salongo [04:14]
05. Jungle Dance [03:44]
06. Purple People [04:09]
07. Voodoo-Dance [06:56]
08. Watch Out South Africa [03:38]
09. Red Dust [04:58]
10. Oi Dibango [06:55]
11. Jungle People [04:39]
12. Somewhere In Africa [02:25]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 15 19 Supermax / Save The World Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 5 45.13 | 0 | 25887 2 | 5 45.13 | 5 28.11 | 25888 | 50498 3 | 11 13.24 | 4 22.44 | 50499 | 70192 4 | 15 35.68 | 4 02.63 | 70193 | 88405 5 | 19 38.56 | 4 39.38 | 88406 | 109368 6 | 24 18.19 | 4 40.56 | 109369 | 130424 7 | 28 59.00 | 5 55.50 | 130425 | 157099 8 | 34 54.50 | 3 50.72 | 157100 | 174421 9 | 38 45.47 | 4 39.51 | 174422 | 195397 10 | 43 25.23 | 5 54.17 | 195398 | 221964 11 | 49 19.40 | 3 44.47 | 221965 | 238811 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Save The WorldSupermax - Save The World.wav Peak level 100.0 % Range quality 99.9 % Copy CRC DEFC9ADE Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Tears [05:40]
03. Miss You [05:17]
04. And Time Will Come [05:41]
05. Loversnight [05:42]
06. Love Is Deeper [03:50]
07. Something In My Heart [04:30]
08. I Need You [04:23]
09. Wonderchild [05:25]
10. Its A Long Way To Reach Heaven Feat. Precious Wilson [04:29]
11. Whatever It Takes Feat. Amalia [05:39]
12. Friends [04:55]
13. Just Before The Nightmare [04:35]
14. Amor Profundo [03:24]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 15 59 Supermax / Cool Love Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 4 49.16 | 0 | 21690 2 | 4 49.16 | 5 40.00 | 21691 | 47190 3 | 10 29.16 | 5 17.08 | 47191 | 70973 4 | 15 46.24 | 5 41.32 | 70974 | 96580 5 | 21 27.56 | 5 42.42 | 96581 | 122272 6 | 27 10.23 | 3 50.29 | 122273 | 139551 7 | 31 00.52 | 4 30.55 | 139552 | 159856 8 | 35 31.32 | 4 23.27 | 159857 | 179608 9 | 39 54.59 | 5 25.10 | 179609 | 203993 10 | 45 19.69 | 4 29.11 | 203994 | 224179 11 | 49 49.05 | 5 39.12 | 224180 | 249616 12 | 55 28.17 | 4 55.53 | 249617 | 271794 13 | 60 23.70 | 4 35.59 | 271795 | 292478 14 | 64 59.54 | 3 24.62 | 292479 | 307840 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Cool LoveSupermax - Cool Love.wav Peak level 100.0 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC CABECC3A Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database Track 12 not present in database Track 13 not present in database Track 14 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Interplanetary [05:00]
03. Welcome To The Night [04:23]
04. Madness Comes To Overload [05:25]
05. Scentist [04:39]
06. Tha Beat [04:42]
07. Members Only [04:28]
08. The Gule [04:06]
09. Crystal Clear [07:35]
10. Planet [05:06]
11. Night In Sofia [05:16]
12. Christalno Yasno [05:06]
13. 5 Past 4 [03:58]
14. Take Me To The Max [04:34]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 16 37 Supermax / Radical Phonetic Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 6 02.15 | 0 | 27164 2 | 6 02.15 | 5 00.63 | 27165 | 49727 3 | 11 03.03 | 4 23.42 | 49728 | 69494 4 | 15 26.45 | 5 25.24 | 69495 | 93893 5 | 20 51.69 | 4 39.54 | 93894 | 114872 6 | 25 31.48 | 4 42.13 | 114873 | 136035 7 | 30 13.61 | 4 28.01 | 136036 | 156136 8 | 34 41.62 | 4 06.62 | 156137 | 174648 9 | 38 48.49 | 7 35.59 | 174649 | 208832 10 | 46 24.33 | 5 06.73 | 208833 | 231855 11 | 51 31.31 | 5 16.05 | 231856 | 255560 12 | 56 47.36 | 5 06.35 | 255561 | 278545 13 | 61 53.71 | 3 58.55 | 278546 | 296450 14 | 65 52.51 | 4 34.02 | 296451 | 317002 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Radical PhoneticSupermax - Radical Phonetic.wav Peak level 99.9 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC 34843B95 Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database Track 12 not present in database Track 13 not present in database Track 14 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. Bango Bongo [Brass Mix] [06:22]
03. I Want You [Club Mix] [05:01]
04. Heaven Of Music [FFt Mix] [05:48]
05. Watch Out South Africa [Soweto Mix] [03:30]
06. Lovemachine [Amerikan Beauty Cover Mix] [03:41]
07. It Ain't Easy [Club Mix] [04:24]
08. World Of Today [Techno Mix] [04:09]
09. Don't Stop The Music [Club Mix 2000] [04:37]
10. African Blood [Club Mix] [04:44]
11. Warriors [El Club Differente Mix] [04:28]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 17 17 Supermax / Special Remixes Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 4 43.17 | 0 | 21241 2 | 4 43.17 | 6 22.71 | 21242 | 49962 3 | 11 06.13 | 5 01.04 | 49963 | 72541 4 | 16 07.17 | 5 48.49 | 72542 | 98690 5 | 21 55.66 | 3 30.03 | 98691 | 114443 6 | 25 25.69 | 3 41.25 | 114444 | 131043 7 | 29 07.19 | 4 24.00 | 131044 | 150843 8 | 33 31.19 | 4 09.24 | 150844 | 169542 9 | 37 40.43 | 4 37.00 | 169543 | 190317 10 | 42 17.43 | 4 44.22 | 190318 | 211639 11 | 47 01.65 | 4 28.03 | 211640 | 231742 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Special RemixesSupermax - Special Remixes.wav Peak level 99.9 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC 2D00F00A Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
02. World Of Today [Honolulu-Spooky-Mix] [06:36]
03. It Ain't Easy [Remaxed By Moonbootica] [07:29]
04. Vision [Remaxed By Spindoc] [05:42]
05. African Blood [Remaxed By Smoove] [07:50]
06. Electricity [Remaxed By Supersultan & Mikeburns] [06:32]
07. World Of Today [Remaxed By Supermax] [03:45]
08. World Of Today [Remaxed By Supermax & Taliesin] [04:28]
09. Lovemachine [Golden Flash Remix] [05:41]
10. Lovemachine [Dub Edit - Remaxed By Supermax] [09:13]
11. Lovemachine [Sophat VS. Mousse T. Club Edit] [06:16]
12. Lovemachine [Goldfingers Nrg Edit] [03:36]
Код: |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007 EAC extraction logfile from 28. March 2009, 18 17 Supermax / Best Of Remixes Used drive TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203B Adapter 7 ID 0 Read mode Secure Utilize accurate stream Yes Defeat audio cache Yes Make use of C2 pointers No Read offset correction 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out No Fill up missing offset samples with silence Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks No Null samples used in CRC calculations Yes Used interface Installed external ASPI interface Used output format User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate 1024 kBit/s Quality High Add ID3 tag No Command line compressor C Program FilesFLACflac.exe Additional command line options -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d Use compression offset 48 TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0 00.00 | 5 39.19 | 0 | 25443 2 | 5 39.19 | 6 36.40 | 25444 | 55183 3 | 12 15.59 | 7 29.02 | 55184 | 88860 4 | 19 44.61 | 5 42.50 | 88861 | 114560 5 | 25 27.36 | 7 50.55 | 114561 | 149865 6 | 33 18.16 | 6 32.66 | 149866 | 179331 7 | 39 51.07 | 3 45.11 | 179332 | 196217 8 | 43 36.18 | 4 28.26 | 196218 | 216343 9 | 48 04.44 | 5 41.68 | 216344 | 241986 10 | 53 46.37 | 9 13.23 | 241987 | 283484 11 | 62 59.60 | 6 16.58 | 283485 | 311742 12 | 69 16.43 | 3 36.34 | 311743 | 327976 Range status and errors Selected range Filename T CDSupermax - The BoxSupermax - Best Of RemixesSupermax - Best Of Remixes.wav Peak level 98.8 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC C3490FDC Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database Track 12 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database End of status report |
Deep Purple: Beyond The Purple (10CD Box Set Warner Music Japan) (1970)

Supermax - 15 albums (11CD) (1977)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 1977-2002
Жанр: : Rock, Pop, Reggae
Продолжительность: 12:08:36
Supermax - Meets The Almighty (USA Pressing 1997) (1981)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 1981
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Rock, Pop, Reggae
Продолжительность: 0:41:22
Sergey Skachkov Kurt Hauenstein - Земляне Supermax (2009)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: Russia, Germany
Жанр: Rock, Reggae
Продолжительность: 00:47:43
Supermax - Radical Phonetic (30 Anniversary Edition) (2008)

Формат: FLAC, (tracks + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2008
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Disco, Reggae, Funk, Soul
Продолжительность: 01:10:24
Manticore Rock Box / (6 Mini LP CD Box Set) (2007)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2007
Страна: Japan
Жанр: Hard Rock, Blues Rock, Classic Rock
Продолжительность: 03:45:23
Jeff Beck 2 Box Sets / 10 Albums (2008 Original Album Classics 5CD Box/2010 Original Album Classics (5CD Box Set)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2008 / 2010
Страна: England
Жанр: Blues rock, Jazz fusion, Instrumental Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive Rock
Продолжительность: 06:58:48
Jefferson Airplane - 2 Box Sets / 8 Albums Original (5CD + 3CD Box Set) (2008)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2008 - 2011
Страна: USA
Жанр: Psychedelic rock, blues-rock
Продолжительность: 07:44:55
The Backsliders - Starvation Box (2011)

Формат: FLAC, (tracks + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2011
Страна: Australia
Жанр: Modern Electric Blues
Продолжительность: 00:41:08
Mariah Carey - Music Box (1993)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 1993
Страна: USA
Жанр: Pop, R&B
Продолжительность: 00:41:58
The Beatles - Stereo Box Set (2009)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: EU
Жанр: Rock
Продолжительность: 24:13:45
John Lennon - Signature Box (2010)

Формат: FLAC, (tracks + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2010
Страна: UK
Жанр: Rock
Продолжительность: 07:31:48
Innes Sibun - The Box Set (2010)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2010
Страна: United Kingdom
Жанр: Blues, Rock, Soul
Продолжительность: 01:10:46
Blue Stone - Pandora s Box (2011)

Формат: FLAC, (tracks + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2011
Страна: USA
Жанр: New Age
Продолжительность: 00:56:38
Whitesnake - Unzipped (5CD Box Set) (2018)

Формат: FLAC, (image + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2018
Страна: England
Жанр: Rock, Hard Rock
Продолжительность: 04:45:11