Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2005-2009
Страна: Германия
Жанр: Industrial
Продолжительность: 02:42:09
Лучшее в категории - Зарубеж. дискографии / Зарубежный Рок, Панк, Метал
Camel - Discography (1973)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 160-320kbps [VBR]
Год выпуска: 1973 - 2011
Страна: Great Britain
Жанр: Progressive Rock, Art Rock, Canterbury, Neo Progressive
Продолжительность: 59:17:56

01. Slow Yourself Down
02. Mystic Queen
03. Six Ate
04. Separation
05. Never Let Go
06. Curiosity
07. Arubaluba

01. Freefall
02. Supertwister
03. Nimrodel | The Procession | The White Rider
04. Earthrise
05. Lady Fantasy:Encounter, Smiles For You, Lady Fantasy

01. The Great Marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader Goes To Town
04. Sanctuary
05. Fritha
06. The Snow Goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader Alone
10. Flight of The Snow Goose
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha Alone
15. La Princesse Perdue
16. The Great Marsh

01. Aristillus
02. Song Whithin A Song
03. Chord Change
04. Spirit Of The Water
05. Another Night
06. Air Born
07. Lunar Sea

01. First Light
02. Metrognome
03. Tell Me
04. Highways of The Sun
05. Unevensong
06. One of These Days I'll Get An Early Night
07. Elke
08. Skylines
09. Rain Dances
10. Highways of The Sun - Single Version

01. Never Let Go
02. Song Within A Song
03. Lunar Sea
04. Skylines
05. Ligging At Louis'
06. Lady Fantasy: Encounter | Smiles
01. The Great Marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader Goes To Town
04. Sanctuary
05. Fritha
06. The Snow Goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader Alone
10. Flight Of The Snow Goose
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha Alone
15. La Princesse Perdue
16. The Great Marsh

01. Breathless
02. Echoes
03. Wing And A Prayer
04. Down On The Farm
05. Starlight Ride
06. Summer Lightning
07. You Make Me Smile
08. The Sleeper
09. Rainbow's End

01. Wait
02. Your Love Is Stranger Than Min
03. Eye of The Storm
04. Who We Are
05. Survival
06. Hymn To Her
07. Neon Magic
08. Remote Romance
09. Ice

01. Echoes'
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader Goes To Town
04. Song Within A Song
05. Remote Romance
06. Nude
07. Drafted
08. Lies
09. Supertwister
10. Uneven Song
11. Rainbow's End

01. City Life
02. Nude
03. Drafted
04. Docks
05. Beached
06. Landscapes
07. Changing Places
08. Pomp & Circumstance
09. Please Come Home
10. Reflections
11. Captured
12. The Homecoming
13. Lies
14. The Last Farewell: The Birthday Cake
15. The Last Farewell: Nude's Return

01. No Easy Answer
02. You Are The One
03. Heroes
04. Selva
05. Lullabye
06. Sasquatch
07. Manic
08. Camelogue
09. Today's Goodbye
10. A Heart's Desire
11. End Peace
12. You Are The One [Edited Version]

01. Pressure Points
02. Refugee
03. Vopos
04. Cloak And Dagger Man
05. Stationary Traveller
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Missing
09. After Words
10. Long Goodbyes

01. Freefall
02. Lady Fantasy
03. The Great Marsh
04. Rhyander
05. Rhyander Goes To Town
06. The Snow Goose
07. Flight Of The Snow Goose
08. Dunkirk
09. Song Within A Song
10. Lunar Sea
11. First Light
12. Metrognome
13. Rain Dances

01. Dust Bowl
02. Go West
03. Dusted Out
04. Mother Road
05. Needles
06. Rose Of Sharon
07. Milk n' Honey
08. End Of The Line
09. Storm Clouds
10. Cotton Camp
11. Broken Banks
12. Sheet Rain
13. Whispers
14. Little Rivers And Little Rose
15. Hopeless Anger
16. Whispers In The Rain

01. Lady Fantasy
02. Six Ate
03. White Rider
04. God Of Light Revisited

01. Never Let Go
02. Freefall
03. Lady Fantasy [Encounter; Smiles for You; Lady Fantasy]
04. Rhayader
05. Rhayader Goes To Town
06. Song Within A Song
07. Air Born
08. Lunar Sea
09. Unevensong
10. Tell Me
11. Elke
12. Skylines
01. Breathless
02. Echoes
03. The Sleeper
04. Your Love Is Stranger Than Min
05. Hymn To Her
06. Ice
07. Drafted
08. Lies
09. Sasquatch
10. You Are The One
11. Refugee
12. West Berlin
13. Mother Road
14. Whispers In The Rain

01. Never Let Go
02. Earthrise
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader Goes To Town
05. Spirit Of The Water
06. Unevensong
07. Echoes
08. Ice
09. City Life
10. Drafted
01. Dust Bowl
02. Go West
03. Dusted Out
04. Mother Road
05. Needles
06. Rose Of Sharon
07. Milk N' Honey
08. End Of The Line
09. Storm Clouds
10. Cotton Camp
11. Broken Banks
12. Sheet Rain
13. Whispers
14. Little Rivers And Little Rose
15. Hopeless Anger
16. Whispers In The Rain
17. Sasquatch
18. Lady Fantasy

01. Sasquatch
02. Highways Of The Sun
03. Hymn To Her
04. Neon Magic
05. You Are The One
06. Drafted
07. Lies
08. Captured
09. A Heart's Desire | End Peace
10. Heroes
11. Who We Are
12. Manic
13. Wait
14. Never Let Go

01. Irish Air
02. Irish Air [Instrumental Reprise]
03. Harbour Of Tears
04. Cуbh
05. Send Home The Slates
06. Under The Moon
07. Watching The Bobbins
08. Generations
09. Eyes Of Ireland
10. Running From Paradise
11. End Of The Day
12. Coming Of Age
13. The Hour Candle [A Song For My Father]

01. Remote Romance [Single Version]
02. You Are The One [Edited Version]
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader Goes To Town
05. Cloak And Dagger Man
06. Highways Of The Sun [Single Version]
07. Rainbow's End [Single Version]
08. Fingertips
09. Never Let Go [Live]
10. No Easy Answer
11. Beached
12. Another Night [Single Version]
13. Breathless
14. Tell Me [Version 2]
15. Supertwister
16. Please Come Home
17. Wait
18. Lunar Sea [Live]

01. Never Let Go
02. Song Within A Song
03. Lunar Sea
04. City Life
05. Nude
06. Drafted
07. Docks
08. Beached
09. Landscapes
10. Changing Places
11. Reflections
12. Captured
13. The Last Farewell

01. Lunar Sea
02. Hymn to Her
03. Rhayadar
04. Rhayadar Goes to Town
05. Preparation
06. Dunkirk
07. Drafted
08. Docks
09. Beached
10. Spirit of the Water
11. Ice
12. Sasquatch
01. Milk'n Honey
02. Mother Road
03. Needles
04. Rose of Sharon
05. Irish Air
06. Irish Air [Reprise]
07. Harbour of Tears
08. Cobh
09. Send Home the Slates
10. Under the Moon
11. Watching the Bobbins
12. Eyes of Ireland
13. Running From Paradise
14. End of the Day
15. Coming of Age
16. The Hour Candle

01. Three Wishes
02. Lost and Found
03. The Final Encore
04. Rajaz
05. Shout
06. Straight to My Heart
07. Sahara
08. Lawrence

01. God Of Light Revisited
02. White Rider
03. Lady Fantasy
04. Arubaluba
05. Excerpt From The Snow Goose

01. Never Let Go
02. Slow Yourself Down
03. Freefall
04. Nimrodel | Procession | White Rider
05. The Great Marsh
06. Rhayder
07. Rhayder Goes to Town
08. Lady Fantasy: Encounter | Smiles for You | Lady Fantasy
09. A Song Within a Song
10. Spirit of the Water
11. Air Born
12. Lunar Sea [Live]
01. Tell Me
02. Elke
03. Echoes
04. The Sleeper
05. Ice
06. Hymn to Her
07. City Life
08. Drafted
09. Lies
10. Sasquatch
11. Cloak and Dagger Man
12. Stationary Traveller
13. West Berlin [Live]
14. Long Goodbyes

01. Ice
02. Chord Change
03. Fingertips
04. Slow yourself down
05. Sahara
06. Mother Road
07. Little river and little rose
08. Hopeless anger
09. Lady Fantasy
10. Slow yourself down [late night version]

01. A Nod And A Wink
02. Simple Pleasures
03. A Boy's Life
04. Fox Hill
05. The Miller's Tale
06. Squigely Fair
07. For Today
08. After All These Years

01. Aristillus
02. Song Within A Song
03. Chord Change
04. Spirit Of The Water
05. Another Night
06. Air Born
07. Lunar Sea
08. Another Night [Single Version]
09. Spirit Of The Water [Demo]
10. Song Within A Song [Live]
11. Lunar Sea [Live]
12. Preparation | Dunkirk [Live]

01. The Great Marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader Goes To Town
04. Sanctuary
05. Fritha
06. The Snow Goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader Alone
10. Flight Of The Snow Goose
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha Alone
15. La Princesse Perdue
16. The Great Marsh
17. Flight Of The Snow Goose [Single Edit A-Side]
18. Rhayader [Single Edit B-Side]
19. Flight Of The Snow Goose [Alternate Single Edit]
20. Rhayader Goes To Town [Live At Marquee Club, London, England [30-04-1974]]
21. The Snow Goose . Freefall [Live At Marquee Club, London, England [30-04-1974]]

01. In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraule
02. Refugee
03. Vopos
04. Cloak And Dagger Man
05. Stationary Traveller
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Missing
09. After Words
10. Long Goodbyes
11. Pressure Points [Extended Mix]

01. First Light
02. Metrognome
03. Unevensong
04. Skylines
05. A Song Within A Song
06. Lunar Sea
07. Raindances
08. Never Let Go
09. Chord Change
10. Ligging At Louis'
11. Lady Fantasy: Encounter | Smiles For You | Lady Fantasy
01. Spoken Introduction by Peter Bardens
02. The Great Marsh
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader Goes To Town
05. Sanctuary
06. Fritha
07. The Snow Goose
08. Friendship
09. Migration
10. Rhayader Alone
11. Flight Of The Snow Goose
12. Preparation
13. Dunkirk
14. Epitaph
15. Fritha Alone
16. La Princesse Perdue
17. The Great Marsh
18. The White Rider
19. Another Night

01. Breathless
02. Echoes
03. Wing and a Prayer
04. Down on the Farm
05. Starlight Ride
06. Summer Lightning
07. You Make Me Smile
08. The Sleeper
09. Rainbow's End

01. Slow Yourself Down
02. Mystic Queen
03. Six Ate
04. Separation
05. Never Let Go
06. Curiosity
07. Arubaluba
08. Never Let Go [Single Version]
09. Homage To The God Of Light [Llive At Marquee Club 29-10-1974]

01. Wait
02. Your Love Is Stranger Than Min
03. Eye Of The Storm
04. Who Are We
05. Survival
06. Hymn To Her
07. Neon Magic
08. Remote Romance
09. Ice

01. Freefall
03. Nimrodel-The Procession-The Wh
04. Earthrise
05. Lady Fantasy: Encounter-Smiles
06. Supertwister [Live at The Marquee Club] [Previously Unreleased]
07. Mystic Queen [Live at The Marquee Club] [Previously Unreleased]
08. Arubaluba [Live at The Marquee Club] [Previously Unreleased]
09. Lady Fantasy Suite: Encounter-Smiles For You-Lady Fantasy [Previously Unreleased]

01. Aristillus
02. Song within a song
03. Chord change
04. Spirit of the water
05. Another night
06. Air born
07. Lunar sea
08. Another night [Single Version]
09. Spirit of the water [Demo Version]
10. Lunar sea [Live Version]
01. Song Within A Song
02. Excerpts From The Snow Goose
03. Air Born
04. Chord Change
05. The White Rider
06. Preparation | Dunkirk
07. Another Night
08. Lady Fantasy

01. City Life
02. Nude
03. Drafted
04. Docks
05. Beached
06. Landscapes
07. Changing Places
08. Pomp And Circumstance
09. Please Come Home
10. Reflections
11. Captured
12. The Homecoming
13. Lies
14. The Last Farewell : The Birthd
15. The Last Farewell : Nude's Ret

01. Pressure Points
02. Drafted
03. Captured
04. Lies
05. Sasquatch
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Wait
09. Rhayader
10. Rhayader Goes To Town

01. First Light
02. Metrognome
03. Tell Me
04. Highways To The Sun
05. Unevensong
06. One Of These Days I'll Get An
07. Elke
08. Skylines
09. Rain Dances
10. Highways To The Sun [Single Version]
11. First Light [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]
12. Metrognome [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]
13. Unevensong [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]
14. Skylines [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]
15. Highways To The Sun [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]
16. One Of These Days I'll Get An Early Night [BBC 'Sight & Sound' 10-01-77]

01. Pressure Points
02. Refugee
03. Vopos
04. Cloak and Dagger Man
05. Staionary Traveller
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Missing
09. After Words
10. Long Goodbyes
11. In the Amrs of Waltzing Fraulines
12. Pressure Points [12'' version]

01. No Easy Answer
02. You Are The One
03. Heroes
04. Selva
05. Lullabye
06. Sasquatch
07. Manic
08. Camelogue
09. Today's Goodbye
10. A Heart's Desire
11. End Peace
12. You Are The One [Edited Version]

01. The Great Marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader Goes To Town
04. Sanctuary
05. Fritha
06. The Snow Goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader Alone
10. Flight Of The Snow Goose
11. Preparation [Instrumental Album Version]
12. Dunkirk [Instrumental Album Version]
13. Epitaph [Instrumental Album Version]
14. Fritha Alone [Instrumental Album Version]
15. La Princesse Perdue [Instrumental Album Version]
16. The Great Marsh [Instrumental Reprise Version]
17. Flight Of The Snow Goose [Instrumental Single Edit]
18. Rhayader [Instrumental Single Edit]
19. Rhayader Goes To Town [Live At The Marquee, Instrumental Version]
20. The Snow Goose | Freefall [Live At The Marquee, Instrumental Version]
01. Rhayader Goes To Town
02. Sanctuary
03. The Snow Goose
04. Migration
05. Rhayader Alone
06. Flight of the Snow Goose
07. Preparation
08. Dunkirk
09. Epitaph
10. La Princesse Perdue
11. The Great Marsh
12. Selections from the Snow Goose

01 Slow Yourself Down
02 Never Let Go
03 Curiosity
04 Mystic Queen
05 Nimrodel | The Procession | The White Rider
06 Freefall
07 Earthrise
08 Lady Fantasy [Original Mix]
09 Liggmg At Louis'
10 Arabaluba
11 Supertwister

01 Homage To The God Of Light
02 The Great Marsh
03 Rhayader
04 Rhayader Goes To Town
05 Preparation
06 Dunkirk
07 Aristillus
08 A Song Within A Song
09 Air Born
10 Spirit Of The Water
11 Chord Change
12 Another Night
13 First Light
14 Elke

01 Tell Me
02 Metrognome
03 Unevensong
04 Lunar Sea
05 Rain Dances
06 Echoes
07 Starlight Ride
08 Breathless
09 Rainbow's End [Single Version]
10 Survival
11 Hymn To Her
12 Ice
13 City Life
14 Nude
15 Drafted
16 Lies

01 Docks
02 Beached
03 Captured
04 Summer Lightning
05 Sasquatch
06 Heroes
07 Selva
08 A Heart's Desire
09 End Piece
10 In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraulines
11 Cloak And Dagger Man
12 Stationary Traveller
13 Long Goodbyes
14 Pressure Points
15 West Berlin
16 Fingertips
17 Rhayader
18 Rhayader Goes To Town

01 Slow Yourself Down
02 Never Let Go
03 Curiosity
04 Mystic Queen
05 Nimrodel | The Procession | The White Rider
06 Freefall
07 Earthrise
08 Lady Fantasy [Original Mix]
09 Liggmg At Louis'
10 Arabaluba
11 Supertwister

01 Homage To The God Of Light
02 The Great Marsh
03 Rhayader
04 Rhayader Goes To Town
05 Preparation
06 Dunkirk
07 Aristillus
08 A Song Within A Song
09 Air Born
10 Spirit Of The Water
11 Chord Change
12 Another Night
13 First Light
14 Elke

01 Tell Me
02 Metrognome
03 Unevensong
04 Lunar Sea
05 Rain Dances
06 Echoes
07 Starlight Ride
08 Breathless
09 Rainbow's End [Single Version]
10 Survival
11 Hymn To Her
12 Ice
13 City Life
14 Nude
15 Drafted
16 Lies

01 Docks
02 Beached
03 Captured
04 Summer Lightning
05 Sasquatch
06 Heroes
07 Selva
08 A Heart's Desire
09 End Piece
10 In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraulines
11 Cloak And Dagger Man
12 Stationary Traveller
13 Long Goodbyes
14 Pressure Points
15 West Berlin
16 Fingertips
17 Rhayader
18 Rhayader Goes To Town
Доп. информация: Дискография известной Art Rock группы Camel. Почти в каждой папке сканы обложек и буклетов альбомов

Camel – одна из самых заметных групп прогрессивного рока. Несмотря на то, что группа так и не смогла добиться коммерческих высот Yes или ELP, ее вклад в мировую музыкальную кладовую также неоценим – запоминающиеся темы, инновационные приемы Camel, как и объединение самого лучшего из различных музыкальных жанров настоящие меломаны всегда оценят по достоинству.
Группа взяла более чем триумфальный старт в самое продуктивное для прогрессивных команд время, продержала самый высокий уровень на протяжении работы первого состава, просев только в самом конце семидесятых, смогла выжить в тяжелые времена для прогрессивного рока, протащилась сквозь восьмидесятые и достойно встретила девяностые. Их последнее, но, будем надеяться, не окончательное студийное творение, А Nod And A Wink выпущено совсем недавно, в 2002 году, и достойно самого пристального внимания любителей интеллектуальной музыки. На протяжении более тридцати лет существования состав Camel менялся неоднократно, тем не менее основавший группу Andrew Latimer оставался достойным лидером во всех ее составах.
История Camel начинается в середине шестидесятых прошлого столетия, когда гитарист Andrew Latimer со своим братом Яном и друзьями Alan Butcher и Richard Over в своем родном городе Guildford основал группу The Phantom Four.
[DIE!] - Discography (2005)

The Who - Discography (1965)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1965 - 2010
Страна: England
Жанр: Rock
Продолжительность: 82:20:57
HIM Discography (1996)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1996 – 2013
Страна: Finland
Жанр: Love Metal, Gothic Metal
Продолжительность: 29:59:24
Yes Discography (1969)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1969 – 2013
Страна: UK
Жанр: Progressive Rock, Art Rock
Продолжительность: 108:24:50
BonFire Discography (1986)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1986 – 2013
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Продолжительность: 35:06:50
Oceansize - Discography (2001)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 128-320kbps
Год выпуска: 2001-2010
Страна: UK
Жанр: Alternative Rock, Progressive Rock
Продолжительность: 07:36:00
Muse Discography (1998)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1998 – 2012
Страна: UK
Жанр: Progressive Rock, Alternative
Продолжительность: 42:53:01
Moist - Discography (1994)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1994-1999
Страна: Канада
Жанр: Alternative rock, hard rock
Продолжительность: 02:16:45
New Politics - Discography (2010)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2010-2013
Страна: Denmark
Жанр: Alternative Rock, Indie Rock
Продолжительность: 01:04:20
Zon - Discography (1978)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1978-1980
Страна: Canada
Жанр: Pomp Rock
Продолжительность: 01:55:26
Unantastbar - Discography (2006)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2006 - 2013
Страна: Italy
Жанр: Oi!, Street Punk
Продолжительность: 02:48:24
Inquisition - Discography (1998)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1998-2010
Страна: Colombia
Жанр: Satanic Black Metal
Продолжительность: 04:08:44
Avantasia Discography (2000)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2000 – 2013
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Symphonic Power Metal
Продолжительность: 13:29:45
Rise Against - Discography (2001)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2001-2011
Страна: USA
Жанр: Hardcore Punk, Melodic Hardcore, Alternative Rock
Продолжительность: 04:59:03
Galneryus - Discography (2001)

Формат: MP3, tracks, 127-320kbps [VBR]
Год выпуска: 2001 - 2012
Страна: Japan
Жанр: Neo-Classical, Power Metal, Melodic Metal, j-Metal
Продолжительность: 28:27:07